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Workshop Internacional en la Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla
"El Habitad del Futuro"
Advisory and evaluation in the workshop of the Urban Living Lab, with the topic of a participative re-urbanisation in avoidance of gentrification gentrification in the neighbourhood of Analco in Puebla in the Instituto de Diseño e Innovación Tecnológica IDIT of the Universidad Iberoamerica
in Puebla.
Workshop Internacional en la Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla
"La Casa del Futuro"
Advisory and evaluation in the workshop of the Urban Living Lab, during the Congreso Proyecta Latinoamérica organised together with the architect Luis Mola in the Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla.
UAEM, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Cuernavaca
"The architecture and the society, challenges of the XXI century"
A conference and workshop about the theme of recycling of urban structures.
"The transformable architecture"
Código DF: Radio Cultural en Líneas
"Sustainable urbanism and transformable architecture"
Canal de Radio Hagamos Sonar la Teoría, Aguascalientes
"Transformable Architecture"
"The avant-garde architectural design is the tendency of future constructions, Thorsten Englert comes from Germany to share his enthusiasm and passion for construction.​"
Press Conference, Goethe Institut , CDMX
"PopUp Tour - Año Dual Alemania-México 2016-17"
An introduction to the basic ideas of the design of the 4 transformable exposition containers like the surprise box  and the cenote as a mexican landscape in which the german cultural and scientific events are happening.
Imagenes © Año Dual Alemania-Mexico 2016-2017 
Universidad Olmeca, Tabasco, Mx
"Green Urbanism"
TEA-Thorsten Englert Architects introduced his experiences in public projects and the chance of sustainable design.
"The Johnson Wax Headquarters"
An interview about the experimental building from Frank L. Wright in relation to the actual architecture in Mexico.
TRANSPIXEL - Scientific technologic and artistic Festival 
"Transformable spaces"
An introduction of the transformable and multi functional projects of TEA-Thorsten Englert Architects and their realization in Mexico.
Platoon Hub, Creative Invoice
"Studio TEA and the Salón T.E.A."
Introduction to the actual projects of TEA-Thorsten Englert Architects and the interdisciplinary activities of the Salón T.E.A.
Conducta Urbana - Radio Arquitectura
"The process of the project Paseo peatonal Dr. Gálvez - UNAM"
"Studio TEA - actual projects"
The actual projects of the Studio TEA : Thorsten Englert Architects/Transkitects, Thorsten Englert Abstractions, ​Salón T.E.A.
Radio ABC, Interview
"Pedestrian path Dr. Gálvez - UNAM"
​The project Dr. Gálvez - UNAM as an urban sustainable project in economic, social y ecologic terms and the participation.
TV, Canal 22, Reportaje
"Salón T.E.A. - an interdisciplinary cultural event"
Vecinal 2015, Festival - Utopias de Colaboración, discussion panel
"Participation of citizens"
A discussion about the participation of citizens as a chance and opportunity for a sustainable city.  
TV, Televisa Canal 11, Reportaje
"Pedestrian path Dr. Gálvez - CU de la UNAM"
A report about the urban project Dr. Gálvez - UNAM as a project with high public popularity.
Foyer of the Faculty of Architecture, UNAM, discusion panel
"Linear parks in Mexico City"
​A discussion about the sense of linear parks with good and bad examples. 
SUI XI Seminario de Urbanismo Internacional, Museo Franz Meyer, CDMX
"Puerto Marquez - a sustainable urban project"
​Introduction of an urban project which is less a design but more an urban strategy for the integration of the citizens in the urban development in economic, social and ecologic way. 
Enfoque 21, Report
"Salón T.E.A., an interdisciplinary cultural project"
UAEM, Estado de Mexico, MX
"The space in architecture and art"
​An excursion about the perceptions and interactions of the spaces in the different disciplines.
FAD, Facultad de Arte y Diseño, UNAM, CDMX
"Space, flows and relations in the architecture"
​A workshop about spaces and their inter relations in architecture with historic and contemporary examples and an interactive experiment.
AMD2, Abierto mexicano de diseño, CDMX
"Casa robotica TC1"
​An introduction to the transformable designs of TEA Thorsten Englert Architects and to the project Casa Robotica TC1 which works with robotic cubes.
SUI X Seminario de Urbanismo Internacional, Museo Franz Meyer, CDMX
"Recycling of urban structures"
In this conference was presented the necesarity of the participation of the involved habitents in urban public projects in example of the urbab economic redevelopment of Puerto Marquez. The objective of this project is to attract tourists from the beach (and the big investment projects there) with "urban catalysators" to all the areas of the urban set, for enable to all the habitants the participation in the tourists business and develop together with the participation of the inhabitants of Puerto Marquez an economic concept.
UAQ, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mx
"Minimal housing"
In first case at the conference was shown a brief history og minimal housing from the epoque of early industrialization in the mid-nineteenth century till today along with their interaction of technical development. Asides different minimal housing projects, that the office has already realized, three new protects are shown that the office, along with scientists in the fields of nanotechnology, nanobiology and robotics is working on.
UAP, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mx
"Sustainability of architecture"
Introduction to some principals of sustainable urban and architectural design in economic, social and ecologic terms.
Universidad UVM Roma, CDMX, Mx
"The organisation in urban projects"​​


In this conference, given along with Craig Davis, former worker in SEDESOL (Secretaria de Desarrollo Social), the organization behind our common urban project is presented in all instances and participants and workers and the need and way to colaborate with them together.

Casa Vecina, CDMX, Mx
"3 urban projects and participation of citizens"
In this conference the necessarity of the participation of the  citizens involved in a public project was outlined by three urban projects.
AMD1, Abierto mexicano de diseño, Mx
"Recycling of urban structures"
In this event-conference the latest work of the office is shown, with a focus on the sustainable urban projects and within this theme, recycling projects of urban structures are presented. Three major projects were shown in the rooftop of the office, with the panoramic background of Mexico City, and afterwards a group of contemporary dancers interpreted the projects in a performance in the same place.
Tecnológico de estudios superiores de Valle de Bravo, Mx
"Sustentable transport"
​Introduction to an urban planning that supports a sustainable system of transportation.
Universidad Vizcaya de las Americas, Tepic, Mx
"Urbanismo sustentable"
The objective of this presentation was to show, that sustainability in urbanism is not only of the environment but also economic and social aspect. In the presented projects is shown how various factors have to be considered, that directly and indirectly influence the three areas of sustainability.
Universidad mexiquense del bicentenario, Tejupilco, Mx
"Recycling of urban structures"
​A proposal for recycling instead of replace.
UAQ, 2º Coloquio de Diseño e Innovación, Querétaro, Mx
"The search of the living neighborhood"
​The living neighborhood as a base of sustainable urbanism economical, social y ecological.
Tecnológico de estudios superiores in Jocotitlán, Mx
"Public spaces in Puerto Marquez"
An urban strategy with public spaces as urban catalysators.
Tecnológico de estudios superiores in Valle de Bravo, Mx
"Living public spaces"
In this conference the theme was the transport. The impact of different types of transport (pedestrian, bicycle, public transport and car) is aligned in the city and in the social life of public spaces, as it is possible to gradually replace the tremendous traffic in a city. Later, in a workshop participants developed different methods to change the traffic situation in Valle de Bravo.
UAQ, 8º Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería, Querétaro, Mx
"Remember when walking on the earth was a pleasure"
Introduction to some principles of the urban sustainable design in therms of economy, social and ecology and participation.
Universidad Michoacana, Morelia, Mx
"Barrio Sustentable Monarca Angangueo"


Introduction to the design of the project.



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